Example for Coronavirus Workplace Operating Sample Memo to Employees Provided By Human Resources
The Coronavirus Disease, or COVID-19 is taking over every headline in America and businesses all over the nation are turning to HR for what steps to take next. While numerous companies have the capabilities for their employees to work from home, there are still many that do not. With the urge to practice social distancing it’s tough for employees to comprehend that they still may be required to report to the office. If your organization is one where it’s necessary for individuals to be physically present at work, then see below for a memo template example of how social distancing by working in shifts is a temporary solution and how to write this sample memo to employees and staff.
The following is memo example of an employee communications document memo regarding the coronavirus’ impact on workplace scheduling and attendance.
Reference Subject Line: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and Internal Operations at Company Name
In the past week U.S. officials have buckled down most social activities throughout the country. The term being used is “Social Distancing.” The habit is now being highly encouraged throughout the workplace as well as socially. Doctors are reporting to stay at least three feet away from others, while the CDC is saying up to six feet away. In looking at all the information that is circulating, we all need to take some proactive steps to keep the spacing between ourselves at a considerate level.
Here are things each employee must continually do to protect themselves and others in the workplace:
- WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. Please, as soon as you walk into the office go to the break room and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and hot water.
- Repeat #1 every time you come back into our space (after bathroom runs, filing papers etc.)
- When you talk to an individual that is in a private office, stop at the door and talk to them without going into their office.
- If you cough or sneeze, please do it into your elbow and then immediately go wash your hands.
- Until further notice food deliveries must be stopped. Please bring your own lunch since going out to eat, as you all know, is being discouraged.
- If we have a meeting scheduled, let’s do it by our phones and not meet in a conference room, unless it’s absolutely necessary to meet in person, then sit in a large conference room at least 6 feet from each other. It’s easy to set up teleconferences and jump on a Zoom call as well.
- Put cups and dishes in the dishwasher immediately after use. We will run the dishwasher every night (if not sooner), not just when it is full.
- If you are sick, stay home. Everyone is aware of the symptoms of COVID-19, a sore throat, quick high fever, coughing, headache etc. If you’re not feeling well, please call your manager and stay home.
- While away from the office, please follow government guidelines and stay away from crowds. This will prevent coming into contact with a person who may have the virus (outside the office).
- Don’t hesitate to contact your manager if there are any questions.
Social Distancing And What We Can Do
In our line of work there is a need to pull data, print and refer to items we have stored at the office. Therefore, in days to come we will do what we can by taking shifts in the office. We will alternate between working at home and in the office. To support our clients, we will do so as much as possible over the phone and via teleconferencing methods.
In Office/Work At Home Schedule Swapping
Starting Monday the office will start splitting into two teams, working from home some days and working in the office the other days. In the past, we have not exercised prolonged periods working at home; therefore, let’s ease into this and figure out how we keep our productivity intact. The team in the office on allotted days will need to support the ones telecommuting by assisting in finding files, pulling info and answering phones. Those employees working at home on assigned days will need to consistently keep up with their emails as this will be our main communication. We will email you if a client call is requested. Please then respond back immediately to confirm the message was received and that you are following up with the client.
Team# 1 will consist of the following team(s)/people:
Team# 2 will consist of the following team(s)/people:
The schedule for the teams will be:
March 16 and 17 Team #1 work from home; Team#2 work in office
March 18, 19 and 20 Team #1 work in office; Team# 2 work from home
March 23, 24, and 25 Team#1 work from home; Team#2 work in office
March 26, 27 and 30 Team #1 work in office; Team# 2 work from home
After this timeframe we will re-access where we are in the COVID-19 crisis and the ability to work at home.
Thank you all for understanding the need to keep our clients supported and the flexibility we are providing, as well as the few things we are asking you as fellow workers to do in this time of extreme concern. The above plan and scheduling may change as needed at the total discretion of management.
We will get through this!
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