Deconstructing Open Enrollment: The Key Components of a Successful Benefits Renewal
A we enter Q4, many leadership teams are gearing up for one of the most time-intensive – and most expensive – times of the year. In the coming quarter, employees will be evaluated for end of year bonuses and salary increases alike. While these processes are hugely central, also looming ahead is one of the most important initiatives a company undertakes: its annual benefits renewal.
Whether the renewal takes place at year-end or mid-year, the time, money, and energy a that goes into a successful benefits renewal is unparalleled.
So, what exactly goes into a successful benefits renewal? Let’s start at the beginning. Several months ahead of the new benefits plan year, a company will be quoted on their benefits renewal with their current carriers. During this process, insurance carriers review a company’s claims experience in comparison with the cost of their plan. If the claims costs exceed the current cost of the plan itself, amongst a variety of other factors, companies will often experience an increase in their benefits costs – which may be passed on to the employees. In instances where there is a substantial increase, many employers will choose market their plan in hopes that other carriers will bid on them with more competitive rates. This process can take several weeks to months to complete.