Should Your Business File an Employer Retention Credit?

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Should Your Business File an Employer Retention Credit?

During the Pandemic, everyone suffered financial losses. As a business owner, you probably worried if you could stay afloat and continue paying your employees. You no doubt had to make cuts and sacrifices and we’re probably happy to make it to the other side.

Employee Retention Credit Form 5884-A

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month is October

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National Disability Employment Awareness Month is October

Take the time in your organization to commemorate employees with disabilities.

Across the Nation, American employees with disabilities are vital to our workplace and economy. It’s more important than ever to accentuate equal opportunities for all people. Flex HR has seen and encouraged HR departments to take extreme measures to ensure policies are in place to allow for the advancement of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) in the workplace.

The U.S. celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) throughout the month of October each year. The theme is selected by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). This year, the NDEAM theme is Disability: Part of the Equity Equation, which recognizes the vital role persons with disabilities bring to workforce diversity and inclusion, both in the public and private sector.”

Disabled Employee at work

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Disability Inclusion in the Workplace:

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Disability Inclusion in the Workplace:

How Businesses Make Accommodations for Customers and Employees Who Have a Disability

There is so much buzz about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, but what about disabled persons and their accessibility (or DEIA)? The goal of putting DEIA initiatives into place is to value all individuals in a company, giving them the opportunity to show their strengths, but also ensuring they are given the tools they need to succeed.

Human Resource experts know all too well that few organizations put in the proper plan of action for hiring people with disabilities. Employers should verify their company handbook is updated to include policies and best practices for employees with disabilities to be given the capabilities needed to fully participate at work. And with the increase of employees working remotely, companies should focus on disability inclusivity to drive motivation and retention.

Employee Disability and Inclusion in the Workplace

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How to Outsource Payroll Tax

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How to Outsource Payroll Tax

A remote working environment is here to stick around for a while. This effect of the Pandemic has truly changed how the workforce is adapting as we have seen companies increasing technology connectivity. It has also brought about the trend for employees to relocate to a state where their employer has not yet established a presence.

Initially, it seems that a remote employee relocation is straightforward, as they can work on a laptop with a cell phone from any location. However, for employers there are payroll tax implications for their employees in these other states. Employers everywhere are feeling the consequences of payroll taxes.

Calculating Payroll Tax

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Top Human Resources Company Saves Business From Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Service

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Top Human Resources Company Saves Business From Professional Employer Organization (PEO) Service

We have all heard the horror stories of a company that is stuck in their Professional Employment Organization (PEO) (or co-employment) contract. PEOs are typically engaged by small businesses for better benefit plans; however, as that company grows, their employees start to feel the negative effects of the PEO.

Initially, a PEO arrangement sounds appealing to an organization that wants to outsource their Human Resources and Payroll. However, a PEO can be extremely complicated as the Employer of Record, running payroll under their tax ID numbers. Additionally, all of the onboarding, employee handbooks and company policies become dictated by the PEO, which unfortunately does not leave the employer any say in how they want to define terms of their own business.

PEO (Professional Employee Organization) vs ASO (Administrative Service Organization) Graphic

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Flex HR Attends Human Resources & Talent Development Conference

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Flex HR Attends Human Resources & Talent Development Conference

Flex HR had the honor of serving as a sponsor at the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) Human Resources & Talent Development conference this year in Jekyll Island, GA. CBA was formed “primarily to represent the political interests of the independently-owned banks of Georgia.”

The conference dove into some sensitive HR topics such as people operations, HR as a business driver, HR technology, employee experience, leadership awareness, and the top reasons employees are resigning.

Westin Jekyll Island CBA HR Conference

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How To Leave A PEO vs ASO

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How To Leave A PEO – Whats the difference between a PEO vs ASO?

How To Leave a PEO Business

Ever think about getting out of your Professional Employment Organization (PEO)? Managing your daily business operations and processes are a very complex undertaking. The PEO becomes the employer. Human Resources is the most vital component that holds these tasks together, so it’s imperative you have the proper HR expertise on hand. Many companies do not, and so they outsource their HR to a PEO service or an Administrative Services Organization (ASO). An ASO model brings you the next level of HR support, providing strategic HR, an HRIS system to take you into your growth strategy and the flexibility to you to have your own policies and best practices. Continue reading to learn the difference between a PEO vs ASO.

The number one reason employers leave a PEO is the day to day high cost with little to no HR Support. The number 2 reason is to gain control over their staff and make them actual employees of their company.

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