
The Nuances Of Employees Returning To Work, Post Pandemic

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The Nuances Of Employees Returning To Work, Post Pandemic

Return to office work from home

While employees may be getting used to their new working environments from home over the past year or so, HR experts say employees need to start returning to their offices. The list of reasons drags on, but factors include decreased productivity working remotely, poor working conditions at home, managing employees is more difficult, obstacles with training new employees, camaraderie is missing, employee mental stress while at home is rising, increased drinking and drug use on the job, increased anxiety, and office space cost.


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What Does Human Resources Do?

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What Does Human Resources Do?

What does human resources do?

Well, that is the loaded question of the day! If you ask us here at Flex HR, we say that we the Human Resources (HR) experts are the glue that holds an organization together. HR is responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of an employee – and covering everything in between such as recruitment, onboarding, benefits, training, payroll, etc. in order for the individual and company to successfully grow. HR is accountable for much more than just a business’s human capital. HR involves comprehensive functions such as HR back-office administration, strategic planning, organizational development, risk management, regulatory compliance, employee websites, and ethics hotlines to name a few.


Flex HR’s very own Founder and CHRO, Jim Cichanski was interviewed by People HR on the roles, responsibilities and risks associated with Human Resources. The article does a great job of summarizing their take on 6 major factors as to what HR does:

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How To Leave A PEO vs ASO

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How To Leave A PEO – Whats the difference between a PEO vs ASO?

How To Leave a PEO Business

Ever think about getting out of your Professional Employment Organization (PEO)? Managing your daily business operations and processes are a very complex undertaking. The PEO becomes the employer. Human Resources is the most vital component that holds these tasks together, so it’s imperative you have the proper HR expertise on hand. Many companies do not, and so they outsource their HR to a PEO service or an Administrative Services Organization (ASO). An ASO model brings you the next level of HR support, providing strategic HR, an HRIS system to take you into your growth strategy and the flexibility to you to have your own policies and best practices. Continue reading to learn the difference between a PEO vs ASO.

The number one reason employers leave a PEO is the day to day high cost with little to no HR Support. The number 2 reason is to gain control over their staff and make them actual employees of their company.

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Employment Risks Are Growing

by Flex HR Flex HR No Comments

Employment Risks Are Growing

Whether you realize it or not, your hard earn money is a greater risk today more than ever before.

With growing government intervention and regulation, it is increasingly difficult to stay up-to-date and compliant on employment matters. Every day employers just like you find themselves in trouble leading to big fines, penalties, and employee payments. Usually, employers just do not see trouble coming and fail to take simple preventive measures that could keep them safe.

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