
Our Pain-Free Guide to Nonprofit Payroll Taxes

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Our Pain-Free Guide to Nonprofit Payroll Taxes

If you’re a business owner, you likely dread having to learn all the ins and outs of payroll taxes. It also likely costs you. However, if you have a nonprofit, the good news is that you could qualify for an exemption.


Even if you’ve run a business before, a nonprofit has different rules you need to know and play by. You can use this to your advantage, as is the case when it comes to Payroll taxes.


Payroll taxes are funds withheld either from the employee or the employer based on wages and paid to the state or federal government. One type of payroll tax is unemployment insurance, which is paid to the state by the Employer as a set percentage rate up to a certain amount of wages per employee, per calendar year.

Payroll Taxes for Non-Profits

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Employee Experience Strategies to Improve Talent Retention and Create a Better Workplace

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Employee Experience Strategies to Improve Talent Retention and Create a Better Workplace

Employees are constantly under pressure in the workplace trying to keep up with the pace of the market, deliver high standards and be proactively two steps ahead. Over time workers break down, becoming less productive, less engaged and all together stop enjoying all aspects of their job.  Thus, employee burnout becomes real as they work through the motions due to a dissatisfying employee experience (EX).


The Pandemic has shifted the way we all work, and one outcome has been a shift in the importance and focus of the employee experience. Companies and their HR team need to strategize for the “human experience” and craft EX tactics to recognize the pressure of modern work while championing the desired work-life balance, wellness, and work satisfaction.

Employee Motivation & Retention HR Human Resources

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How HR Can Manage Employee Expectations When a Merger or Acquisition is Announced

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How HR Can Manage Employee Expectations When a Merger or Acquisition is Announced

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) happen on occasion and the transition period is crucial. HR subject matter experts in M&As are brought in to carefully facilitate the integration and transaction process.


Employee angst as to the future of their role, or lack thereof, with their current employer becomes top of mind for staff.

Corporate Mergers Acquisitions MA

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Unleashing the Power of Fractional HR: Leveraging Expertise, Cost-Effectiveness, and Flexibility

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Unleashing the Power of Fractional HR: Leveraging Expertise, Cost-Effectiveness, and Flexibility

A business’s landscape is always changing. Therefore, an effective human resources (HR) department is crucial to the success of any organization. However, not every business can afford or even needs a full-time HR executive. This is where Fractional HR comes in. Jennifer Morehead, the CEO of Flex HR, a leading HR outsourcing company, tells USA Wire, “Fractional HR is not just about saving costs. It’s a strategic approach that offers flexibility and professional expertise to empower businesses.”

Fractional HR Support

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Navigating New State Employment Laws in 2024

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Navigating New State Employment Laws in 2024

As we settle into 2024, companies across the United States face a wave of new state employment laws. These changes, spanning from minimum wage adjustments to increased worker protections, carry significant implications for employers across the country. In this article, we’ll delve into some of the major changes and their potential impact on operations.

State Employment Laws 2024

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Artificial Intelligence Policies in Company Handbooks

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Artificial Intelligence Policies in Company Handbooks

Some companies choose to fully outsource all their Human Resources to Flex HR, while other organizations hire us on the interim to bridge the gap until they find the right HR leadership. Business owners know that Human Resources are the most valuable asset, so handling them properly is vital to your company. It’s important to document major factors about your organization such as mission and values, policies and procedures and even software and internet rules and regulations.

AI Intelligence Workplace HR

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Motivating Employees Through Strategic Career Planning and Advancement

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Motivating Employees Through Strategic Career Planning and Advancement

Money For Lunch turned to Flex HR’s CEO, Jenny Morehead to discuss how companies are finding it more challenging than ever to motivate and retain top talent in today’s competitive job market. Unemployment rates are holding low, and so employees have ample options and are continuously evaluating whether their current role provides opportunities for advancement. Organizations need to prioritize professional development to engage and incentivize their people now more than ever to be able to retain their valuable talent.

HR Career Growth Planning

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How You Can Take Advantage of Your Employee Stock Options

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How You Can Take Advantage of Your Employee Stock Options

It’s the dream of any freshly-hired startup employee: Start with stock options in your fledgling company, work hard to see that company become a success and reap the rewards of your equity with a handsome post-IPO payday. Real-world stories of employees at world-famous startups like Lululemon securing $1.5 million from their stock options are not only possible to replicate, but create incentives in the mind of many.

Employee Stock Options Motivation

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