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Smart Savings: How Reducing State Unemployment Rates Can Save Your Organization

February 20 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Unemployment Insurance webinar

Is your Unemployment Insurance (UI) rate eating into your bottom line? You’re not alone. Many employers struggle with rising UI costs, but the good news is you can take steps to lower your rate—and we’re here to show you how! Join us for a primer on managing your state unemployment insurance accounts and save your company money by effectively managing your payroll tax payments and returns, even if you’re a client of a payroll software system.

This webinar will show you:

  • How new employer SUTA rates are assigned
  • How rates are determined by the state annually
  • Common causes of SUI rate increases
    • Late payroll tax payments and returns
    • Late registrations for accounts
    • Historic payroll corrections
    • Employee UI claims
  • How to get your SUI rate lowered
    • Effective oversight of your payroll system
    • Timely registration for accounts
    • Checking the mail
    • Responding to UI Claims
  • How and when to appeal a high state unemployment insurance rate
  • A short overview of SUTA management for non-profit organizations is available at the end if we have any 501c3 participants.


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Meet Your Payroll Tax Expert:

Jessica Stafford, Vice President of Tax for Flex HR

Jessica has nearly 20 years of payroll tax experience, including payroll management for a nationwide accounting firm and tax operations management for a well-known payroll software. As the VP of Tax for Flex HR, she leads end-to-end payroll tax operations, including tax account registrations, systems migrations and implementations, change management, strategic consulting, tax notice resolution, and of course oversees unemployment insurance rates.


February 20
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

