Supporting Your Employees When Tragedy Strikes
While we are only a few short weeks into 2025, there have already been notable tragic events in the US that have many employers asking “how do I handle this?”. Whether it was the tragedy in New Orleans or the fires in Los Angeles, addressing emotions when tragedy strikes is both difficult and necessary. Flex HR helps you navigate these challenging conversations in a professional and supportive way.
Engage Your Leadership
Effective support starts from the top down, and equipping your leaders and managers with support strategies is a good place to start. When it comes to tragedies at a national or state level, or those that may be affecting many people, it is important to first ensure that your leadership team has space to discuss the event, even if they are not directly affected. Call a leadership meeting, check in with your leaders, and allow people to share how they’re doing. Then, equip your leaders with a “trickle-down plan”, one that helps them start conversations within their own teams, gives them ways to identify if an employee might be struggling, and provides resources for additional support (like HR help) if needed.
Acknowledge the Event
If tragic events of the last several years have taught us anything, it’s that employees expect their employers to – at minimum – acknowledge the fact that a tragedy has occurred. Your employees spend a lot of time at work, and many of them speak to their colleagues more than they might even speak to their friends. Perhaps some of your customers have unfortunately been impacted by the devastating event as well. Be sure to acknowledge an event and to do so in a timely fashion. Leaders may consider doing this in a newsletter or over e-mail, and some may ask their managers to have conversations with their teams or reach out to their affected client. Ensure the messaging is consistent regardless of how you’re communicating it and allow space for questions and follow-ups.
Remind Employees of Resources
If your employees are struggling with a tragedy, be sure they know their options for support. Employers may offer financial assistance, an EAP (Employee Assistance Program), or other counseling services. Many employees may not be aware of the support their employer offers, and ensuring those options are proactively communicated will be helpful. In situations where your employees, or a segment of your employees, are directly impacted by an event, perhaps like the fires in LA, work to ensure they are aware of outside resources to seek help, like local government agencies and/or nonprofits offering support.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
In situations when your workforce is directly impacted by a tragedy, specifically those that may disrupt their ability to work, ensure communication channels are open. Utilize emergency preparedness systems that allow you to reach employees in an emergency when e-mail servers may be down or have processes in places that ask employees to follow up with their employer to ensure their safety. Outline communication plans in the company Handbook to ensure employees are aware of any impacts to their work, and provide regular and transparent updates as information evolves.
Lead with Compassion
Proactively checking in with employees during and after a tragedy will show your employees that you care about their well-being. Whether it’s a national disaster or personal loss, grief and despair can be long-lasting. Demonstrate compassion and humanity by following up and providing space for discussion. Reminding your employees that they are more to your company than just “do-ers” is what distinguishes exceptional companies from the rest.
There is no easy way to navigate tragedy, and it’s even harder to do so in a professional setting. However, as employers, we must never forget what it is to be human. Whether you’re a CEO or an entry-level employee, we will all face tragedy at some point. Creating supportive environments when employees are suffering will be a difference maker for both organizations and employees alike. Allow our Flex HR Consultants to help your organization stand out stand up during troubling times – reach out today to learn more.